
SASAGC is a part of SASA Bridal services, offers fabulous nails and eyelash extensions for any girls to be adorable, stylish and stunning.
Our artists are Japanese certified and experienced in Hair and Beauty industry for 20 years.
Japanese single sable lashes - 120 lashes 60/60 88AUD〜 (takes for appr 90 mins)
- Infill within 3weeks - 66AUD (takes for appr 60 mins)
Hybrid - 80 singl 40/40 + 30 3Dx15/3Dx15 110AUD 〜 (take for appr 120-150mins)
- infill within 3weeks - 77AUD (take for appr 90mins)
Feather lahes 2D - 5D - appr 300-500 lashes (Ex,3Dx50/3Dx50) 185AUD〜 (takes for appr 150−180mins)
- Infill within 3weeks - 110AUD ( takes for appr 120mins)
Remove オフ
- Point off 10AUD〜
- Off 33AUD〜
- Done by other salon 44AUD〜
Mobile abailable : Visiting fee may apply. 出張料金が適用される場合があります。
♦ All prices are subject to change without notice at any time. 料金は予告なく変更されることがあります。